About Me

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Seeker of stories, legends and mysteries of Second Life. Aspiring photographer, currently living in Canal district, New Babbage.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

First commission work

Meanwhile I was engaged into the mystery of Porta Terrarum Experiment, I managed to find time for my fist commission work. Yes! It's a photography of Mr Mondrian's factory and I hope doing more commissions in the future...

I found out that I owe several week rent in Cetus Gallery, and since I'm trying to live in SL only from my SL income, that could be a problem. And besides, I need to buy some gun, in times like this one can never be too sure in Babbage... and some new steambot droids,... and some new clothes. And shoes. And makeup... well, basically, I just need to go shopping.
I've tried to do a portraiture work also, for this time it's my self-portrait, but I think some commission work in this field would be great fun...